Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Old Grey Beard -Outdoor Wednesday

I love walking in the forest.  As a child the woods became my playground.  We learned about native plants, built forts, played in the creek--ah the memories are so wonderful.  When I tell people of our forest adventures, I have been told it sounds like a fairytale, or a book--except it was true life for my siblings and me.

This is grey beard moss--at least that's what we called it.  There was one tall tree which grew on a little island in the middle of the creek which had this moss hanging all over it.  It was SO magical.

Well, break is over and I'm back to work. Have a lovely Wednesday, all you wonderful people!

Outdoor Wednesday logo

1 comment:

Maggid said...

now I wonder where abouts you are - I've only seen sights like these south . . . oooh, what stories you have to tell.